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GEN-NL | Housing the Crisis: lokale oplossingen voor de Europese Green Deal

18 januari , 13:00 17:30

Dit evenement is in het Engels.

ECOLISE is excited to invite you to “Housing the Crisis”, a half-day event dedicated to exploring the intersection of the European Green Deal (EGD) and the housing crisis. This event, part of the project Communities for Local Green Deals (COM4LGD), will take place on January 18th in Aardehuis, Olst, The Netherlands.

What to Expect?
You’ll dive deep into the European Green Deal (EGD), focusing on key policies and strategies related to exploring and improving access to housing in rural areas and developing the houses and villages of the future. Together, you’ll examine ways to implement these objectives at the community level through frameworks like Local Green Deals, shared housing and social finance.

The event will also address the barriers and opportunities facing community-led initiatives (CLIs) today, with a particular focus on local practices on housing and funding. Transversal themes like collaborative governance, social justice, and gender equality will also be central to our discussions.

Why Attend?
This gathering offers a unique space to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about sustainability, community-led initiatives, housing, funding and gender equality. It’s a great opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and build collaborations focused on localizing the European Green Deal.

Please register by December 31st through the link.
